SEO ( Search Engine Optimisation ) is a set of techniques that aim to increase a website’s traffic from search engines, such as Google. In this introductory article, we will explore the four types of SEO

  1. on-page, 
  2. off-page, 
  3. technical,
  4. local. 

Optimising the keywords you use can be crucial for improving the online visibility of your website and attracting more visitors. Let’s discover the secrets of these techniques together.

The importance of on-page SEO to optimise your website

Regarding on-page Search Engine Optimisation, it is crucial to understand the importance of optimising your website in terms of pages and content, as this makes all the difference in the ranking of your website in search engines

  • One of the first steps is to choose the right keywords for each page, which must be strategically inserted into the titles, subtitles and content. 
  • Furthermore, it is crucial to use simple and descriptive URLs containing the main keywords. 
  • Another important aspect concerns the use of optimised images with appropriate alt tags. This allows search engines to better understand the content of your images and improve your online visibility
  • Finally, it is advisable to write quality content, relevant to your industry and enriched with strategic keywords

Optimising on-page SEO is an essential step to ensure better indexing and visibility of your website on search engines.

How to improve online visibility through off-page Search Engine Optimization

In relation to off-page SEO, improving the online visibility of your website requires the implementation of several strategies. 

One of the most important techniques is the creation of backlinks from authoritative and high-quality sites within your niche. This can be done through guest blogging on other sites, which allows you to get links back to your site through valuable content written for other platforms. 

It is also crucial to use social media marketing as a tool to promote your content and generate traffic to your website. Sharing your articles and publications on major social networks can help you reach a wider audience and increase your online brand visibility

Finally, managing customer reviews and influencer marketing are other effective strategies to amplify your website’s presence in the online community. 

Implementing these off-page SEO strategies can lead to a significant increase in the visibility of your website in search engines and attract more qualified visits.

Technical optimisation: the secrets of a performing website structure

When it comes to technical optimisation, there are a few secrets that can help ensure a high-performance website structure. 

  • Firstly, it is essential to have a clean and easy-to-navigate site structure. This means that pages must be organised in a logical and intuitive manner, with a clear hierarchy and user-friendly navigation. 
  • In addition, it is important to ensure that the site is fast when loading pages, as loading times affect both user experience and search engine rankings. Using tools provided by Google to test and improve page speed can be very helpful. 
  • In conclusion, it is advisable to submit a sitemap to Google Search Console to index all relevant pages of the site and facilitate their discovery by search engines. 

By following these technical SEO practices, you can help improve the visibility of your website and ensure a positive experience for users visiting it.



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