Before talking about dopamine addiction, let’s specify that in the era in which we live, technology permeates practically every aspect of our lives. From always-connected smartphones, to social media always full of notifications and new content, to video games and other digital innovations that have revolutionized the way we live, we are constantly hyper-connected and over-stimulated. Such omnipresence can be counterproductive and pose significant risks, particularly for the health of our mind, which is still that of prehistoric men and is not adapted to such perpetual stimulation. This happens mainly because of dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is often called the “pleasure molecule” because it plays a key role in our brain’s reward and motivation system. So what happens when we are constantly stimulated and rewarded by notifications, likes and new information? And what are the healthiest alternatives to mitigate the negative effects of technology?

Dopamine and technology: a dangerous relationship

Dopamine, as we have seen, is a neurotransmitter naturally present in our nervous system, which plays a crucial role in the reward and motivation system, influencing our behavior and emotions. Every time we receive a notification, a like, every time we are overstimulated by the infinity of new and quickly consumable content on social media like TikTok and Instagram, our brain releases dopamine, making us feel gratified and eager to repeat the action to obtain a new “dose” of pleasure. Unfortunately, however, such simple access to such high dopamine releases is not comparable to the “normal” levels of dopamine that we would obtain with equally pleasant but less stimulating activities, and this reward cycle can lead to a real addiction, similar in completely to that of substances, the mechanism of which is based precisely on the excessive release of dopamine.

Effects of dopamine addiction

The continuous search for immediate gratification reduces our ability to maintain attention on more challenging, less rewarding and less stimulating tasks. Social pressure and the desire to always be connected also increase levels of anxiety and stress. Excessive use of electronic devices, especially before bed, exposes us to “blue light” and interferes with our circadian sleep-wake rhythms. Finally, the continuous search for stimuli leads to a real addiction which, if not attended to, can lead to problems such as anxiety and depression.

Healthy alternatives

To avoid the dangers associated with technology-induced dopamine excess, it is essential to consciously adopt healthier and more balanced habits. We repeat that dopamine is a neurotransmitter naturally present in our body, and it is therefore impossible, as well as undesirable, to eliminate it completely: what must be done, instead, is to achieve an optimal balance. 

Exercising regularly, for example, helps reduce stress thanks to the release of endorphins, which are a sort of natural painkiller that improves general well-being, as well as being healthy for our body and beneficial for mood.

Meditation and mindfulness can also reduce anxiety, increase the ability to concentrate and promote a more peaceful and aware mental state. Reading is another activity which, as opposed to the consumption of electronic content (without here meaning, obviously, electronic books which are perfectly harmless for the purposes of this discussion), improves attention and offers a relaxing and pleasant experience, even if perhaps not as inspiring. Finally, spending time outdoors, in nature, dedicating ourselves to creative hobbies such as painting, writing or gardening has positive effects on our mood and offers longer-lasting gratification that helps balance our dopamine levels.

Password? Equilibrium

technology offers undoubted advantages, but it is also essential to recognize its main dangers and contraindications. To find a balance, we do not need to totally eliminate technology from our daily lives, but rather integrate healthy habits into our routine in order to counterbalance the risks associated with dopamine addiction. Companies in the sector should strive to promote a balanced and conscious life to exploit the benefits of technology without falling into its traps.



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