An effective, coherent and strategic editorial plan is essential to guarantee engagement and growth of your online presence, and artificial intelligence (AI) can help us in this. In fact, with the help of AI, you can streamline and improve this process, thanks to its analysis, synthesis and content creation capabilities. So let’s see together how to use AI to create an effective editorial plan for social media.

Define the Objectives

Before starting with content creation, it is essential to clearly define the objectives of the editorial plan, which may include, for example, increasing the number of followers, improving engagement or increasing traffic to the website. It is important to formulate the objectives according to the SMART methodology, i.e. that they are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. A company, for example, could decide that the objective of the editorial plan for the next six months is to increase followers on a specific social channel by 20%, and increase engagement by two percentage points.

Be sure to communicate your goals to the AI ​​program you will be using.

Audience Analysis

AI is very useful in creating an editorial plan when the time comes to analyze the demographic and behavioral data of your target audience. Analytics tools are now often integrated with AI, or you can always provide the data to a normal conversational and generative AI program and request an analysis, to discover valuable data on who your followers are, what content and media they prefer and when they are most active.

Create the Calendar

AI can provide you with many interesting ideas and valuable insights for the content you publish on your channels. it is essential to compile an editorial calendar to plan posts in advance and ensure constant and varied publication, but equally it is important to remain flexible and be ready to modify your plan based on market responses and requests. AI, in addition to helping you organize the contents of your editorial plan, can automate post planning and optimize publication times. Use tools like Hootsuite and Buffer, which use AI to suggest the best times to post and also help you write engaging copy.

Generate ideas

Perhaps the greatest power of AI lies right here: in helping you generate interesting ideas for your content, based on current trends and data analysis. Chat GPT, for example, can provide topics and formats for your posts, as well as provide you with precise instructions for creating engaging and effective content. If, for example, your company deals with catering, GPT chat can suggest seasonal recipes or personalized advice based on different topics.

Create and curate content

AI is now also present in visual content creation platforms such as Canva, which uses it to help you design effective, captivating and optimized graphics for your audience and your objectives. Tools like Grammarly, on the other hand, use AI to optimize the quality of your texts. You can also use image generation tools like DALL-E to create illustrations to insert into your feed and make it visually cohesive and engaging.

Monitor and analyze performance

As you publish content, it’s always important to keep an eye on its performance to make adjustments where necessary. As we have already seen, AI is absolutely expert in data analysis, and can provide you with personalized recommendations for your editorial plan based on the interactions that your content has recorded. Analytics tools, for example, are now even able to analyze sentiment towards the company starting from comments and interactions, and therefore give you a hand in understanding how your audience perceives your content.


We have seen, therefore, that AI helps us streamline and optimize the process of creating an editorial plan for social media, from defining objectives to improving content based on feedback. Of course, your human and personal touch is always important when using AI, because that will be what will make the difference in terms of engagement and brand identity, but with these tools you can ensure a decidedly significant competitive advantage.



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