New trends in Internet of things are changing the way we interact with technology on a daily basis. Let’s take a look together at the more interesting innovations that are emerging to shape the future of IoT, and why is it important to keep an eye on them not to remain behind.

Edge computing: bringing intelligence closer to data

Edge computing is a relatively new trend which makes our computers quicker and smarter. This way, data gathered from IoT devices can be elaborated better and more quickly, producing a more effective and satisfying interaction. Let’s imagine we have a network of sensors installed on a fleet of vehicles. Sensors gather a lot of data in real time. Engine temperature, tyres pressure and other metrics fundamental to performances. Thanks to edge computing, instead of transmitting the information to a data center for elaboration and analysis, a device installed directly on the vehicle can analyze and process the data on site, leveraging the local computing power. For example, the device will be able to detect anomalies in the data and activate an immediate alert to the user or the control center to take corrective actions. The response to the anomalous conditions is decidedly quicker, and the network bandwidth’s usage is more efficient, since they send only the relevant data to the data center for storing and deep processing.

IoT Security: Addressing Connectivity Challenges

The worry about privacy and data security are pivotal: IoT devices are internet connected and, consequently, vulnerable to cyber attacks. For this reason, we are increasingly implementing robust security practices, such as strong authentication, data encryption and regular software updates.

Artificial intelligence and IoT: optimizing operations and improving experiences

AI is also making its contribution to the advancement of IoT technologies. For example, thanks to machine learning and to AI algorithms, devices can learn from data and improving themselves over time. Take, for example, a smart refrigerator. Thanks to AI it can learn your eating habits and suggest recipes based on the available ingredients. This is also paramount regarding industrial operations: AI can foresee trouble and optimize production.

The purpose of IoT is increasingly clearer: to simplify people’s lives. This revolution is taking place in all sectors, from agriculture to healthcare, from sport to home automation. It is essential to be aware of new trends and innovations and to keep exploring and integrate new technologies to keep up with the times.



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