Gen Z, those born between the late ’90s and early ’10s, is increasingly conquering the digital marketing landscape. For this, companies should change and adapt their way of making digital marketing to respond to the needs of these digital natives. Let’s explore together what are some winning strategies for capturing and maintaining the attention of a generation that is always connected.

Knowing Gen Z: who they are and what do they want

Gen Z was born and raised in a digital world. Those who belong to this generation, sometimes called “Zoomers”, are known for their familiarity with technology,  capacity for divided attention and search for authenticity and transparency. Comprehending their preferences and habits is pivotal to create contents that can resonate with them.

Engaging and authentic content

Something that unites Gen Z members in digital marketing is the rejection of traditional advertising content. The content that stands out is authentic, reflects their values ​​and interests and doesn’t appear too artificial. Short videos, personal stories on Instagram and TikTok and collaborations with micro influencers are the most effective and engaging strategies to get to this generation as a human and authentic brand.

Leveraging social media in a strategic way

Social media is the favorite playground of Gen Z, and therefore also of the brands that want to turn to them. Strategies such as “brand storytelling” are increasingly relevant. Brand storytelling is the art of communicating a brand’s history and values through engaging and authentic narratives that create an emotional bond with the public. This strategy focuses on using the typical tale structure to convey brand’s identity, mission and personality, making it more memorable, human and significant for the consumers.

Actively participating in relevant conversations is another bullet point on the list to get the attention of zoomers: the era in which brands kept themselves above users is over, now, in fact, they must be able to “get their hands dirty” and take a stand.

It is very important to adapt content to their preferred communication media, which are short or very short videos on Tiktok and reels and stories on Instagram.

Mobile first: optimizing the mobile experience

As said before, Gen Z is constantly hyper-connected, especially from their mobile devices. It is therefore paramount to guarantee that websites, content and apps are optimized for mobile experience. Responsive design and short loading times are fundamental elements to ensure a satisfying and fluid user experience.

Innovative and user-centered approach

Digital Marketing for Gen Z requires without doubts an innovative and user-centered approach. The brand is no longer at the center of marketing communication: the user is.

By responding to Zoomers’ needs and by satisfying their desire for identification with the brand, companies can create marketing campaigns that capture and engage the attention of this generation, which is in a continuous process of evolution and which has radically different preferences compared to those of the previous generations.



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