Never as in the contemporary technology and progress era we have seen a such significant transformation of interpersonal dynamics and relationships. Let’s explore together how technology is shaping communication and relationships, examining both the positive and the negative aspects.

Virtual Communication VS. face to face interaction

Digital communication breaks down geographical barriers, allowing connections on a global level. This is good, since it makes news circulate and everyone can have their own voice in the world. But the lack of physical and face to face contact can limit empathy and emotional connection, since facial expression and body language stop being a part of the communicative equation. This can lead to phenomena such as cyberbullying.

Addiction to smartphone and social media

Addiction to technology is at this point a very wide-spread phenomenon, most of all for native digital generations, such as Gen Z and Gen Alpha. This has deep repercussions in interpersonal relationships, that resent a lack of presence in the actual interaction. The excessive use of smartphones and social media can distract people from things happening in the here and now, compromising the quality of human connections and making them less authentic.

Impact of social technologies on relationships

Social media can influence self esteem and self image in ways that we’ve never seen before, through the creation of idealized images of others as much as of one’s own self. If having examples to follow is an important advantage, especially for very young people, we often forget that what we see on social media is only what people wants us to see. This lack of authenticity and transparency can lead to develop unattainable standards that break down motivation and self esteem, making us always feel inappropriate.

Communication technologies in the family

The use of technology can influence significantly the relationship between parents and children, and therefore it is important to balance the time spent online with the time spent offline. Social media and internet cannot become parental substitutes: parents should always be present and make sure to have an open and authentic communication with their children. Teaching empathy and the value of human connections is essential to ensure that virtual means encourage, rather than discourage, authentic relationships.

Advantages and challenges of technology in interpersonal relationships

Technology offers various advantages, but also important challenges for interpersonal, and intrapersonal, relationships. It is paramount to find a balance between online and offline, to keep the human connections authentic both when we are connected and when we aren’t. The invitation is to reflect on the use of innovative means of communication in one’s relationships, and to inform oneself to adopt practices that promote healthy communication and balanced self-esteem.



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