Today we have thought of showing you a little practical tutorial on how AI prompts can be created. At this point, the importance of a good prompt is more than notorious in the use of AI models, and can’t be underestimated. In fact, a well written and formulated prompt can determine the quality and the pertinence of generated responses.

Step By Step Guide for prompt creation

Step 1: Define your goal

First of all, we need to clarify the goal of our prompt. The question you should ask yourself is “What is that I want to achieve from the AI model?”. If, for example, you need a detailed product description, you could formulate your objective as “To obtain a captivating description of a new gaming laptop”. Defining the goal is paramount to always maintain the focus and to lead AI to the desidered response.

Step 2: Specificity and clarity

Specificity is very important to obtain precise answers. A prompt that is too generic lead to vague responses, a hazy prompt leads to wrong answers. It is wrong, for example, to ask “describe me a laptop”, you should be more specific, for example by writing “describe me the main characteristics of a gaming laptop, including processor, RAM, graphics card and price”. This way, you help AI understand better what you are looking for.

Step 3: importance of the context

Adding contextual elements helps AI to elaborate more relevant answers. If, for example, you want to expand the previous prompt by adding contextual information, you could write4 “Describe the main features of a gaming laptop, ideal for great graphic resolution games, including processor, RAM, graphics card and price. The laptop should be apt also for multitasking and have a great battery life, since most of the people will use it away from home”.

Step 4: Use a natural language

Writing in a conversational manner makes it easier for the AI ​​to understand. For example, a prompt like “Tell me about a good laptop for gaming, specifying the processor, RAM, graphics card and price” is more natural and intuitive than one that is too technical or formal like “I require a detailed explanation regarding a laptop suitable for gaming, with particular emphasis on technical specifications, including processor, RAM, graphics card and price”.

Using natural language makes the request more similar to normal human conversation, which improves the quality of the responses generated.

Practical examples

Product description

Prompt: “Write a compelling description for an ergonomic office chair, mentioning the materials, adjustable features, and health benefits”

Generation of creative text

Prompt: “”Create a short fantasy story set in a post-apocalyptic world.”

Prompt Debugging and Optimization

1- identification of problems

It is essential to analyze the answers that AI gives us to identify any problems. if responses are too general and vague, for example, you may need to refine the prompt which may lack specificity or context

2- Improving the prompt

Refining the prompt consists of adding details and/or better specifying the requests. If the prompt “Describe an ergonomic office chair” generates too general an answer, you can add details like: “Describe an ergonomic leather office chair, with adjustable lumbar support and padded armrests, highlighting how it helps prevent back pain. “

3- Iteration and testing

The ideal solution is to try different prompts and compare the outputs. Iterating the process in this way allows you to refine your prompts until you get the best possible result.


In summary, to create an effective prompt you need to be clear, specific, detailed and use natural language. If you follow these directions you will significantly improve the outputs that the AI ​​models give you.



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