We have Understood, at this point, that prompt design plays a crucial role in the Artificial Intelligence world, and for that it is important to learn better its techniques, more and more advanced. Multi-turn context, hierarchical prompts and refining strategies are all advanced strategies that significantly improve the interaction with AI and the outputs it provides.

Prompting with multi-turn context

Multi-turn context refers to the ability to maintain a coherent conversation with an AI across multiple exchanges. This is fundamental for creating natural, continuous and intuitive dialogues that emulate human ones. To effectively implement multi-turn context, the AI ​​needs to store information between turns and use special tokens that signal context. For example, a chatbot can use signals to remember the user’s preferences or the topic of the conversation, but the common challenge is the loss of context. This problem can be mitigated with dependency and reference management techniques.

Hierarchical Prompts

Hierarchical prompts are part of advanced prompt design techniques and structure various requests into levels, from macro to micro, to manage complex tasks. This approach offers important advantages compared to simple prompts, because it allows the single problem to be divided into several more easily manageable “sub-problems”. For example, when generating an article, a hierarchical prompt can start with the general structure (macro) and then delve into specific sections (micro). By structuring the prompts hierarchically, different roles can be assigned to different levels, improving the precision of the outputs. There are tools such as hierarchical prompt management software that can help validate and test these structures to obtain optimal results.

Refining strategies

Refining is an iterative process that aims to continuously improve the quality of AI responses. It is different from optimization and is considered among the advanced prompt design techniques because it focuses on continuous adjustments based on feedback and analysis of outputs. Some effective techniques are the analysis of the answers obtained, the identification of areas for improvement and the consequent adaptation of the prompts. After examining the AI’s responses, adjustments can be made to better clarify the requests, for example to refine relevance and precision. These techniques along with A/B testing are essential for measuring the effectiveness of refined prompts.

Best practices and practical advice

In the context of advanced Prompt Design techniques, clarity and specificity are key. The prompts must be formulated clearly to avoid ambiguity and ensure exact understanding by the AI. it is also important to adapt the prompts to the specific model used as well as to the context of use. Dedicated platforms and software can be used to simplify the process of the design and refine of prompts with advanced techniques. There are also various online resources and support communities that offer help and inspiration, for example by giving the opportunity to compare the not yet optimized versions of some prompts with their refined and improved versions.



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