Poems with artificial intelligence? But is it really possible?

We know very well how artificial intelligence is a tool that solves complex problems and analyzes large amounts of data, but today we want to explore it as a source of creativity. And how to do it if not in perhaps the most human and intimate form of creativity that exists, namely poetry?

In fact, it will surprise you, but with artificial intelligence it is possible to generate poems that vary from classic to contemporary styles, even reaching poetry slam! Let’s see together how to use ChatGPT’s artificial intelligence to compose poems from which to take inspiration.

Understanding the capabilities of AI

artificial intelligence can create poems starting from the indications provided by the user. It is good to remember that generation works much better using clear and specific prompts, with lots of details and with shared objectives. In this way, the composed poem will be in line with your expectations.

Clear and Specific Prompts

Therefore, for the poetry created by artificial intelligence to reflect your preferred style or theme, it is essential that you learn to write prompts that the AI ​​can understand well, for example specifying theme, tone, metrical style, and whether you want rhymes or other figures of speech.


  • Theme: Love in Autumn
  • Style: Romantic and reflective
  • Metric: free verse
  • Rhetorical figures: Anaphora and metaphor

**Love in Autumn**

In the rustle of leaves, I hear your name,  

In the amber light, I see your eyes.  

The world turns gold, and so does my heart,  

Catching fire in the crisp autumn air.  

Every breath, a whisper of you,  

Every step, a journey back to us.  

The trees, like our memories, shed their layers,  

Yet the roots of love run deep, unyielding.  

I gather the fallen, like pieces of our past,  

Holding them close as the wind carries them away.  

In every fading day, I find a trace of you,  

In every cooling night, I feel your warmth.  

In the twilight of the year, we are timeless,  

Our love, an endless autumn.

Use progressive prompts

You can, to facilitate the process, start with a general prompt and then refine it based on the poem generated and the result you want to achieve. Here is an example:

“Write a poem about street cats”

**Street Cats**

Under the glow of flickering streetlights, they roam,  

Silent shadows with eyes like amber flames,  

Slipping through alleys, ghosts in the night,  

Masters of a world where the wild heart reigns.

Their coats, patchwork of battles and time,  

Speak stories of streets they’ve claimed as their own.  

Each step, a dance on the edge of freedom,  

Each breath, a song in the city’s stone.

They know the secrets of forgotten corners,  

The warmth of a car hood, the scent of the sea.  

In their gaze, a world unchained,  

A life where only the sky sets them free.

Street cats, untamed, their spirits alight,  

Living each moment in the pulse of the night.

Refined prompt: “Write a poem about street cats that includes alternating rhymes”

**Street Cats**

In the quiet night, they softly tread,  

Eyes like embers, glowing bright,  

Through winding streets where dreams have fled,  

They roam the dark, out of sight.

Their fur is brushed by winds so cold,  

Whiskers twitch with every sound,  

In shadows deep, their tales unfold,  

On silent paws, they prowl around.

No home to claim, yet streets they own,  

In alleys dark, they find their way,  

A life untamed, their world unknown,  

Street cats live by night, sleep by day.

Experiment with various poetic styles for writing poems with artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence can write poems adapting to any poetic style you can think of! Let’s try some together.

“Write a haiku about the beauty of the moon.”

Silver moon ascends,  

Whispers to the silent night,  

Beauty in stillness.

“Create a sonnet about the eternal struggle between light and shadow.”

**Eternal Struggle**

In endless dance, the light and shadow vie,  

A timeless battle played on heaven’s stage.  

The dawn’s bright fingers touch the midnight sky,  

As day and night in silent war engage.

The sun ascends, its golden rays unfurl,  

Chasing the dark into the corners deep.  

But shadows linger, in each hidden swirl,  

Where light cannot its steady vigil keep.

As twilight falls, the darkness creeps once more,  

To cloak the world in velvet shades of night.  

Yet even then, the stars begin to soar,  

A thousand points of undying light.

This dance persists, forever intertwined,  

In light and shadow, balance we find.

“Write a free poem about urban loneliness.”

**Urban Loneliness**

In the city’s hum, I am alone,  

Surrounded by faces, yet unseen,  

A river of souls, flowing past,  

But none pause to feel the quiet ache.  

Concrete towers rise like silent sentinels,  

Their windows glowing with distant lives,  

Each light a story I’ll never know,  

Each shadow a whisper lost in the night.  

I walk these streets, a ghost among the living,  

My thoughts echo off the cold, hard walls.  

In the crowded spaces, I search for connection,  

But find only the emptiness of urban sprawl.

How to use poems created with artificial intelligence?

Of course, ChatGpt cannot and should not replace the so-called “poetic genius”. We therefore recommend using the poems thus generated to draw inspiration and adapt them according to your own style, tone and preferences.

Writing poetry with artificial intelligence can be a stimulating and fascinating experience, try it now!



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